Isle of Dogs (2018) Animation, Adventure, Comedy loading... Set in Japan, Isle of Dogs follows a boy's odyssey in search of his lost dog. Director: Wes Anderson Writers: Wes Anderson (story by), Roman Coppola (story by) Stars: Bryan Cranston, Koyu Rankin, Edward Norton PG-13 | 1h 41min Cast Cast overview, first billed only: Bryan Cranston... Chief (voice) Koyu Rankin... Atari (voice) Edward Norton... Rex (voice) Bob Balaban... King (voice) Bill Murray... Boss (voice) Jeff Goldblum... Duke (voice) Kunichi Nomura... Mayor Kobayashi (voice) Akira Takayama... Major-Domo (voice) Greta Gerwig... Tracy Walker (voice) Frances McDormand... Interpreter Nelson (voice) Akira Ito... Professor Watanabe (voice) Scarlett Johansson... Nutmeg (voice) Harvey Keitel... Gondo (voice) F. Murray Abraham... Jupiter (voice) Yoko Ono... Assistant-Scientist Yoko-ono (voice) Sources : IMDb , Wikipedia , YouTube, Amazon loading...
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